Sustainable Development
AMC values the trust and support of the communities in the areas in which we operate. The sustainability of the development of local communities features at the top of our priorities. We are fully committed to an actively, engaging in meaningful CRS programs with the sole intention of sustainability of benefits to local communities.
AMC worked on modernizing the central village of BirAjjam, that host most of the local population through the construction of a primary and secondary school, a hospital, a reliable water supply and women and youth development facilities.
The contribution of AMC covers Hosheeb, Mooset, Rehooda, Eikidi and other more 8 villages and local communities with educational facilities and support,
medical care facilities (including childcare) and hygienic water supply, storage.
and distribution services.
Moreover, AMC contributes to communities outside Ariab area covering support to universities, children welfare and other community activities alone or jointly with local and international NGOs.

- Empowering Local Teams
- Contributing to UN SDGs
- Creating In-country Value
Supporting societies and communities in contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals by understanding local impacts, aligning with local priorities, and accelerating action.
Our work in sustainability, particularly in the communities where we operate, helps us contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Our own sustainability goals are aligned to these, and we are drawing on our capabilities, technology and investments, and strategic partnerships to realize them the entire Ariab in our drive for sustainability.
We invest in local communities by building partnerships to focus our social efforts, recruiting and training where we work, sourcing from diverse local suppliers, and creating regional technology strategies with local impact.